经典活泼、童趣十足的英文儿歌配上精美动画。 常听儿歌看动画不仅可以让宝贝充分感受异国童谣的独特魅力,提高宝贝学习英语的兴趣,为未来的教育建立起坚实的基础, 同时还能够帮助孩子打破语言障碍,不知不觉中提高英语听力,增大词汇量及增强英语语感,是您的宝贝学习英语的捷径和好帮手。

001 Five little ducks
002 Finger family
003 Head shouders kness & toes
004 Hello
005 One little finger
006 1,2 Buckle my shoe
007 3 little kittens
008 5 little monkeys
009 5 little Speckled Frogs
010 A sailor went to sea
011 ABC In Outer Space
012 ABC phonics song
013 ABC songs
014 After a while
015 Animal sounds
016 Ants go marching
017 Baa baa black sheep
018 Being kind to each other
019 Brush your teeth song
020 Bye bye goodbye
021 Christmas is coming
022 Christmas is Magic
023 Clean up song
024 Colors and actions song for children
025 Counting Bananas
026 Days of the week song
027 Ding dong bell
028 Dinosaur song
029 Do you like broccoli ice cream
030 Driving in my car song
031 Eeney meeney miney moe
032 Exercise song
033 Five little pumpkins
034 Getting dressed song
035 Give me something to eat
036 Go away
037 Going on a lion hunt
038 Good morning
039 Happy birthday song-1
040 Happy birthday song-2
041 Hello hello
042 Hello snowman
043 Hello song
044 Here we go looby loo
045 Hey diddle diddle
046 Hickory dickory dock
047 Hot cross buns
048 How’s the weather
049 Humpty dumpty
050 I have a pet
051 I hear thunder
052 I see something blue
053 I See Something Pink
054 Ice cream song for children
055 If you’re happy
056 I’m a little snowman
057 Jack and jill
058 Jingle bell
059 Johny johny yes papa
060 Knock knock trick or treat-1
061 Ladybug
062 Let’s go to the zoo
063 Little boy blue
064 Little snowflake
065 London bridge is falling down
066 Make a circle
067 Mary had a little lamb
068 Miss polly had a dolly
069 Mr
070 Muffin man
071 My teady bear
072 No monsters song
073 Number train 0-20
074 Numbers 10 to 100
075 Numbers song1-10
076 Old king cole
077 Old macdonald had a farm
078 Old mother hubbard
079 Once I caught a fish alive
080 One Potato Two Potatoes
081 Open shut them
082 Oranges and lemons
083 Pat a cake
084 Pop goes the weasel
085 Potty song
086 Pussy cat
087 Put on your shoes
088 Rain rain go away
089 Rainbow colors song
090 Rig a jig jig
091 Ring around the rosy
092 Rock a bye baby
093 Rock Scissors Paper
094 Rock scissors paper-2
095 Row row row your boat
096 Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
097 Say Cheese
098 See saw margery daw
099 Shapes train song
100 Sing a song of six pence
101 Six little ducks
102 Skidamarink
103 Sleeping bunnies
104 Star light star bright
105 Sweet dreams
106 Swimming song
107 Teddy bear
108 Ten in the bed
109 Ten little dinosaurs
110 The bath song
111 The bear went over the mountain
112 The color train song
113 The eensey weensey spider
114 The hokey pokey shake
115 The itsy bitsy spider
116 The lion and The unicorn
117 The pinocchio
118 The shape song-1
119 The shape song-2
120 Three blind mice
121 Twinkle twinkle little star
122 Wag your tail
123 Walking in the jungle
124 Wash your hands song
125 We all fall down
126 We wish you merry christmas
127 What do you hear
128 What time is it
129 Wheels on the bus-1
130 Wheels on the bus2
131 Wheels on the bus-2
132 Wheels on the bus-3
133 Wheels on the bus-4
134 Who Took The Cookie
135 Yankee doodle
136 Yes I can
137 Bingo
138 Uh huh
139 The grand old duke of york
140 Ten green bottles
141 Deck the halls
142 Knock knock trick or treat-2
002 Finger family
003 Head shouders kness & toes
004 Hello
005 One little finger
006 1,2 Buckle my shoe
007 3 little kittens
008 5 little monkeys
009 5 little Speckled Frogs
010 A sailor went to sea
011 ABC In Outer Space
012 ABC phonics song
013 ABC songs
014 After a while
015 Animal sounds
016 Ants go marching
017 Baa baa black sheep
018 Being kind to each other
019 Brush your teeth song
020 Bye bye goodbye
021 Christmas is coming
022 Christmas is Magic
023 Clean up song
024 Colors and actions song for children
025 Counting Bananas
026 Days of the week song
027 Ding dong bell
028 Dinosaur song
029 Do you like broccoli ice cream
030 Driving in my car song
031 Eeney meeney miney moe
032 Exercise song
033 Five little pumpkins
034 Getting dressed song
035 Give me something to eat
036 Go away
037 Going on a lion hunt
038 Good morning
039 Happy birthday song-1
040 Happy birthday song-2
041 Hello hello
042 Hello snowman
043 Hello song
044 Here we go looby loo
045 Hey diddle diddle
046 Hickory dickory dock
047 Hot cross buns
048 How’s the weather
049 Humpty dumpty
050 I have a pet
051 I hear thunder
052 I see something blue
053 I See Something Pink
054 Ice cream song for children
055 If you’re happy
056 I’m a little snowman
057 Jack and jill
058 Jingle bell
059 Johny johny yes papa
060 Knock knock trick or treat-1
061 Ladybug
062 Let’s go to the zoo
063 Little boy blue
064 Little snowflake
065 London bridge is falling down
066 Make a circle
067 Mary had a little lamb
068 Miss polly had a dolly
069 Mr
070 Muffin man
071 My teady bear
072 No monsters song
073 Number train 0-20
074 Numbers 10 to 100
075 Numbers song1-10
076 Old king cole
077 Old macdonald had a farm
078 Old mother hubbard
079 Once I caught a fish alive
080 One Potato Two Potatoes
081 Open shut them
082 Oranges and lemons
083 Pat a cake
084 Pop goes the weasel
085 Potty song
086 Pussy cat
087 Put on your shoes
088 Rain rain go away
089 Rainbow colors song
090 Rig a jig jig
091 Ring around the rosy
092 Rock a bye baby
093 Rock Scissors Paper
094 Rock scissors paper-2
095 Row row row your boat
096 Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
097 Say Cheese
098 See saw margery daw
099 Shapes train song
100 Sing a song of six pence
101 Six little ducks
102 Skidamarink
103 Sleeping bunnies
104 Star light star bright
105 Sweet dreams
106 Swimming song
107 Teddy bear
108 Ten in the bed
109 Ten little dinosaurs
110 The bath song
111 The bear went over the mountain
112 The color train song
113 The eensey weensey spider
114 The hokey pokey shake
115 The itsy bitsy spider
116 The lion and The unicorn
117 The pinocchio
118 The shape song-1
119 The shape song-2
120 Three blind mice
121 Twinkle twinkle little star
122 Wag your tail
123 Walking in the jungle
124 Wash your hands song
125 We all fall down
126 We wish you merry christmas
127 What do you hear
128 What time is it
129 Wheels on the bus-1
130 Wheels on the bus2
131 Wheels on the bus-2
132 Wheels on the bus-3
133 Wheels on the bus-4
134 Who Took The Cookie
135 Yankee doodle
136 Yes I can
137 Bingo
138 Uh huh
139 The grand old duke of york
140 Ten green bottles
141 Deck the halls
142 Knock knock trick or treat-2
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